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I am ERNEST a.k.a EMMETT Seah Jun Zhi
Landed on EARTH on...
27th of september 1993
Legally BOY
Schools @ NTSS-3507 new.town.secondary.school


ESPECIALLY wishing for my 6-packs

People Who Por Too Much
People Who Dont Admit Defeat
People Who Still Friend
People Who Photocopy Me
People Who Is Topicless
People Who Does Not Like themselves HARDCORE-ly



My Tofu-licious Friends

Peili Jie...





December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010

Hire Me Direct

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Same thing, today go to school did not expect mrs ang coz she is sick than I dunno why everyone so happy necks got free period..come on people stop being so naive exams are coming le and everyone is slacking!! What attitude is this, EXCUSE ME!!!

Ok first period was mother tongue, free period obviously so I played tap tap again oh and yes WILLY's back and I challenged him to tap tap's don't trust ne by 3oh!3 thab I was suppose to win but he did the finishing move nicely than he won in the end by 1k

Fuck I forget what's the time table already JIALAT how like that.....

after school, I went home str8 as the haze was terrible, way terrible, dunno what indo burning !!!

Reach home first thing on air con and ask maid to do the things for me eg. Cook noodles, wash , get me my soda etc;

Than I talk to Nicholas and doyle on msn thab had some really great time, Doyle just came back from hong kong"""

I sent Nicholas some songs dunno he like anot, my genres !! Than jus now had dinner without parents as they were not Around but now that they are back I can't play anymore , must go study..….… ok la I now want go tweet than go sleep , a little bit giddy.... Have anyone realize that today from morning, got alot of death cases in countries, India have drought, Sumatra and samoa earthquake, boat capsize etc;

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 7:14 AM

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why you scared talk to me?, talk must talk properly on msn mah, right

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 8:05 AM

Yes I was right, I mean my instinct was right....we are having dinner at sushi tei@paragon .... The ambience looks better than before at least better than westcoast or vivo ...ok stop blogging le I want to indulge in my unagi rice(Jo una ju)

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 7:16 AM

Going to orchard now , to taka I think to try mooncake.... Just so eager to find out whee we are eating later . Something happen on the bus there was this lady that came on the bus thru the back door than too bad she got caught lor ......SAD

Though today what happen in school cause people to ask me question.. It is ok because I know in my heart it is not mu fault..like I said I wont blame you for what you have done to me, those shouting and humiliation, I hope you know what I mean , don't take things for granted. We are going to work together for fun concert, furthermore we are both 16, dun be like this I still regard you as friend leh..taufik yu ain't that bad ok, suck up ok ,we make each others balls shrink okay.. Fair enough..aiya dun want say le lah......

Blog till here la

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 5:02 AM

Monday, September 28, 2009

Exams endin soon and you want make matter so big, go study la!!

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 9:57 PM

Dun make thing so big ok, childhood depriver!!

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 9:48 PM

Going to bed right now bye world see you in a few hours time

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 9:12 AM

Sunday, September 27, 2009

This morning came to school, went to see mrs ang lor, than went thru the light topic for physics, yup and I understand

First period was her lesson, did this chen paper that I did not do well in !! I WAS DISAPPOINTED!!! But I still passed he mcq right, anyway the class did not have pe today , it was revision week and everyone was simply more slack as we still had pe after much persuation, some studied in the canteen.

Me and Ana was watching YouTube video on the iPod and finally I also got my Internet connection on the campus:) THANKS ALFRED!!!

After that was recess I have red bean mochi and fish burger, very very full now can't stuff anymore .... Now I am contented and we are having physics right now...

This is for the understated YOU .. Not that I do not want to apologised , you have to know who is in fault, u do not need to use weijing to be an example and tell him so loud that I can hear I know what you mean ,though you want me to apologise i think you should first because I was no the fire starter

Ok lah blog later

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 7:57 PM

Today is my birthday,I shall say it is quite boring as compared to to last year's which was celebrated with my friends which was awesome but this year Jie had to go to her ah ma house and I guess everybody is simply more busy than before as many people studying for their 'N' levels ..so I told my dad I will go get birthday cake later to celebrate this ironic birthday...I so hope that you guys could be there...life is really more bored without you guys there! 

His morning woke up early as it was my birthday so i felt that it was more decent to wake up earlier so as not to miss any moments of this 24hours , as Eugene needed to go to bedok I tagged along too, than had breakfast at tampines (I loved the carrot cake) 

Than went to granny house to talk about the maid matter than finally brought the maid back..yeepee 

Next I AM Going HOME NOW gosh!! 

Just now I safe this post as a draft than now I shall continue..

Just quarreled over getting cake, I wished that this year had birthday cake to celebrate, nvr did I know that my own mother dun see me as important as Eugene(my second bro), his birthday cake was gotten on his birthday itself and was also remembered by my mother clearly, just now went out to eat, thought that they will rememeber me , however I felt that it was just some typical day we live in...I wished today was way special. But turned out way more agonic than I imagine, now I just want to scream my lungs out, sing my heart out and drink to my hearts contend....am I really that empty in their heads......hopefully my friends will celebrate for me, hopefully:(

can't be bothered to continue  

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 5:34 AM

Happy 16th Birthday To Me YES!!!
This iPOd TOuch is a present from daddy, love ya<3

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 5:32 AM

Happy 16th Birthday To Me YES!!!
This iPOd TOuch is a present from daddy, love ya<3

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 5:32 AM

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Yesterday was Friday...TGIF...Went To School as per normal...than the "storm" seems to subside...Hoping for the best..GOT TOUCH

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 5:12 AM

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Some people just make it so big on facebook like no one business like that . you want play come play with me la. i play with you the right way, make my balls shrink so easy ah .. you think you who, no brains

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 7:26 AM

Wow Kanye You Do Suck. Even Obama Agrees With it. YOU JACKASS

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 7:00 AM

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

To many who still think that the fault goes to ME..(ernest seah)

I want you to see the whole picture before you all choose who to side, well i rather you all don't side any people, just stay neutral and be a mediator. Clearly i am innocent and i am dragged into this for no reason so what if i was suppose to have a gossip blog(IT IS DOWN, NO MORE GOSSIP BLOG ...HAPPY...)

STOP PESTERING ME. Taufik i dun blame you ok just have the decency to at least apologise.

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 11:52 PM

This morning come to school, was talking happily with some classmates, suppose to be a nice day as it was RAINING AT LAST.. but taufik came to ruin the day...YES PEOPLE THE GOSSIP BLOG which i have not finish editing....i have not even posted my first gossips on it. Well this is what happened, taufik came in the class room and than started shouting at something scratch ***** before than say i fat. say i very handsome is it..than say something i never scratch before ah ....Once he said this topic i was thinking what he talking about. than he use shout to talk to me..than i thought he referring to my previous blog post. Than i obviously have cold war with him today.. than the real blogger from another gossip blog that blogged abt his BALLS was ***** and *** (u know who ah) so it wasnt me la..and i can prove that this whole month i did not even blog abt him. mostly abt family and myself...so i was expecting a apology and he is still angry with me.. what in the world is wrong with him i did not do wrong, i am sure i know what i blogging about, and taufik i wish you are reading this or someone tell you about this sentence, please make sure you know who is it before you storm into my class and shout at a innocent person. you go read or go ask someone whom got read my blog frequently la. i nvr blog abt you i only blog about you last time. you owe me apology and i want it. NEXT, though ***** and *** deserves to be said negatively, i do not think they really want this and they really did not expect this i hope everyone can be more open hearted and just forget about it

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 11:37 PM

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Another Big headlines just happen at home..to me it is just another normal headline that thrills people that have slashed through page SIX.

My maid got chase home not by parents, not by siblings, not by anyone, obviously not by me..it is those 2 people whom i would say are jerks who are not grateful to what they have till its gone and realise how bad it is. MY GRANDPARENTS OF COURSE.

We are partly at fault too...not just the 2 freaks. When she was here working for us we were not grateful and we took things for granted and we just got what we have and forget about the effort put in by other to manage to get us what we want. this is real bad. perhaps this would be the first reflections i would post on my reflectors blog.

Not a nice feeling.. Upside down now..without her i realise that things cannot go smoothly at home though she sometimes screw up.

Bye Bye Karsimah. We Will Miss You..Should have took pictures with you when you were here with us....now i regret...haiz.

Today nothing much happen as per normal but most of the periods using computer.checking mail downloading songs.
school internet not too bad.

Ok lah i now want go grieve and cry in a corner..this is my character, in my life there is always a heartache and pain..blog later..oh yeah me and abu making gossip blog

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 12:49 AM

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Yes..The iPod touch 32 gb is FINALLY OUT...yes...i am gonna get it but it is always running out of stock....GRRRR.

Anyway, Mrs Ang threw me a killer timetable for my studies..And i did not follow la. i feel so agonise right now.right this minute And second because i am actually blogging to you and doing work.LOLz.

Basically this time table was set to kill me and to control me so as to achieve good grades. however i am gonna squeeze my whole time table for the past 2 days into today and tomolo...HOPEFULLY be able to finish what she wants me to finish ..anyway.. on of the few things are to memorize. which i super duper hate...H.A.T.E.


Later maybe when daddy and mummy come back from Market, I will already be prepared to go out ..well thats if daddy is not tired and he is FREE..Actually was suppose to buy yesterday with Sis. than so stressful talking abt iPod's with her, i can actually feel the stress of shopping for the first time. It was marvellous as it really icks you to whether to get the thing anot. and at the same time tempt you...SO FRUSTRATING...

Another Matter is that why is everybody so troubled with money...well, cant be bothered

Daddy is leaving Singapore for China next month for work. I will miss him though he would be gone for 2 months ONLY...bored.. this means that i have to school on my own for the mid of next month. ARGH.... any people want come fetch me to bring me to school..

Birthday is coming already. Cant wait for 27/9/2009

Anyway The final Funconcert Show is going to be a big thing i guess, almost everyone who can be bothered about it is talking about it like really TALKING about it. Seriously, it is gonna be HUGE..i can feel it.!!

Right now i am just staring at the agonizing non-living ipod nano i loaned from Mr Chan..It is so gonna be returned ASAP.Thanks Mr Chan.

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 6:06 PM

Monday, September 14, 2009

Since when was my last post huh??

Nvm that!!

Today had Maths paper 1 and geography lor....why the papers so tough....BITES!!! Anxious-ness'''''

And than today the weather is so freakin' hot la..you know we all KpKb during the second paper...cant the schol love us a little bit more by ON-ING the aircon..I hate Neo Lay Wah....She say she love us lor...she lying Sobz Sobzxoxo

THIS IS NOT FAKE BUT I HAVE TO REALLY POST THIS..AN I HAVE TO PURSUE THIS MATTER..how can tan say pin say i am his greatest dissapointment today together with trevor..so not fair i did not talk and than i like his Facebook's Enemy of the day lor..he cocked eyed isit i so quiet i was only SITTING STILL and he SAY ME...i want justice...must find him tomorrow....Grrr....teochew say."paik chek"(FRUSTRATING)

Than this cause my face to drop heavily you know..WHY?? because after exam people ask me why and i go home the time Kian Ann keep saying "EEE..ERNEST DISAPPOINTMENT.." i want to slap both say pin and kian ann....ahhhhhhhhhh

MY LIFE IS RUINs..it is in the RUINS.......



Come home first thing on com to download song..later studying CHEMISTRY. hope he dun come tomolo.....later must study hard than gauge my "N" LEVEL PAPER..than must make alot of people proud ...Me is one of the people crowd.hahas..

Just now bought Men's Folio to see some clothes for Prom night saw some nice designs from salvatore ferragamo. intend to piece something up together from the designs. it noti saw burberry prorsum's one not too bad...After all if the suit is comfortable on you..it brings confidence and the best in you.

i Go do revision now...le la....i dun want see him but i will see him...TOMOLO till he say something that sounds apologizing...if not i will blog about him for a while more...for the next few days..

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 2:46 AM

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just WOKE up.!!!

I'M disturbed.


Just had my avocado breakfast. which i ownself open..**the way to open very easy, cut from the middle, must cut one round hor, got seed inside, than twist the half, than use knife hit the seed in the middle than twist a little than scoop the avocado out from the thing lor..interesting right...IS IS SUPER OILY.**

Just now view some people's blog than see so many interesting thing..life is so interesting RIGHT...got exam one also..Grr,my whole head now only prelim-"N"-prelim-"N".....i cant get it off me...'

Finding ways to save money now for haircut, bag and life. I working during holiday leh..at chicken rice store haha....maybe only la..haven confirm but that is just one of the promises i make for myself.

Recently had this facebook fight with some friends. actually one la.. PRABU.. he insult me with no sense of what he is typing..sore loser.hehe.

Was hearing nick lachey the new song call all in my head and Jason derulo the new song whatcha say and the boys like girls newest album. called love drunk...alot of songs nice sia...i like the boys like girl with taylor swift one...nicenice...later i going to buy more songs.Whitney Houston the album haven buy hor...

AND YES...i watch finish my 命中主定我爱你 already haha..nice nice. in the end ji cunxi and chenxinyi got new baby..(JI NIAN RI)ALSO MEANS ANNIVERSARY

Who want watch must give me hard drive not thumb drive cos one episode is half a gb.haha.

Today finally can enjoy my September holiday plus tomorrow and saturday and sunday. but with horror.

Still deciding on what couture to wear on prom. Louis designed or D&G designed base...Keep you posted or i will knock you down...SMOOCHEZXZXZXZ

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 8:42 PM

Woohoo.... 'N' level language papers are so down..yay...SS paper is over too...now my brain can rest for Geog.haha..

Ok..must work hard though everything seems pretty easy.

This few day go school like never talk to anyone becos all head in the exams. So sry must abandon my close close friends....

Day 1 Had chinese paper. compo, letter, paper 2. everything went on pretty well. than day 2 had SS and chinese listening compre. LC came first.. SS was in the afternoon, we had to wait for 6 hours but time seemed to past too fast when we studied.

Birthday coming soon.. Another Crumpler again i guess...thats my fav brand next to Louis Vuitton Hehs. Yeah..Vanity me

Was considering to ask daddy get me a phone for bdae if not is an ipod touch....still considering...dunno which is better.

Nothing to blog abt this 3 days leh..lemme clear my mind than blog again ok. maybe can find some topics to talk abt..NOKIA N900 IS SOOOOOOO COOL

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 6:45 AM

Friday, September 4, 2009

Before i sleep i swear i got to say this.


Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 9:11 AM

Lena Is on course for i think 3 days already..hmm..nothing seems to make me happy or really sad for these 3 days. but time seem to pass too fast. everything at last seemed bored!!

Had maths this morning.was not that bad actually..i actually paid attention like crazy. well at least i really understood this period. But how do we even make ourselves concentrate..as in really concentrate???
After that had chinese..CHINA man went thru the letter writing. he so funny emphasize till he go so dramatic.
THAN RECESS...i stay in class lor.with malay students to sing song ...Express people having their O'S now so we dun need to go to the hall to assemble well GD LK TO THEM.

Last 2 periods pass so fast.ENGLISH AND GEOG.

Got ppr..erm did not do very well. i got like 5th grade for chinese and english and a U for humanities

After school was fun time. Erm we had FunConcert audition..Well I GOT IN duh....always will...

EH. doing everything by MB solo. Home by MB duet . Send It On by disney GROUP

I'm so impressed by the arrangement!!<3<3<3<3<3<3

Rio say my everything better than that previous fucking time. Well it is a compliment worth listening to RIGHT!

After that went home. ON AIR CON...THE WEATHER SO FREAKIN HOT no diff even if it is raining.RIGHT!!!
Eat noodles again lor. like the house ever got anything else suitable for human to eat...At least not SHIT

Feel so tired the whole day..*YAWN*

go slp liao...nites...

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 8:55 AM