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I am ERNEST a.k.a EMMETT Seah Jun Zhi
Landed on EARTH on...
27th of september 1993
Legally BOY
Schools @ NTSS-3507 new.town.secondary.school


ESPECIALLY wishing for my 6-packs

People Who Por Too Much
People Who Dont Admit Defeat
People Who Still Friend
People Who Photocopy Me
People Who Is Topicless
People Who Does Not Like themselves HARDCORE-ly



My Tofu-licious Friends

Peili Jie...





December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010

Hire Me Direct

Friday, October 30, 2009

Hmm ... When was the last blog post huh??

Yesterday was THE SHOW and it was boomz ..performed my latest hit by michael buble's "everything"

Hmm I felt that this show was not as good, no sec 4 was there to watch those included my best friends, thanks to jiahui and Shaun to come back to watch and support

But still in the end the credits still goes to my brother raihan for serenading me every second And Ryan for showing most concern and live in all ways to me and nurul and lastly to every single members in the adam's family for being such a good host and welcoming us everytime

Frankly speaking I love music but why Int I born in a concerned family who loves music, I wish I was part of the Adams family because I really felt the real love and somehow also understood family, unlike mine, which sees things differently from other family out there

I really hate to comment Bout my family but i really have no choice but to really talk about my sister now in this blogpost

I HATE MY SISTER ...she is self-center,selfish,annoying,irritating,fucked up...and many more worse of all she HAVE NO LIFE

Just now because of one bag she wanted me to wash just because she spilled oil on it, she wanted me to wash for her immediately because she want it use it this coming monday , I told her even if you want it to be washed it won't be dry...GUESS WHAT THE FUCK she told me ...she say she dun care she want it cleaned abd dried....who is she to command me to do things , than I say you so smart you wash la than she scold me mother fucker than I say "sorry lor u dun fuck mummy because not like she not your mummy " than she damn fucked up , immediately go my room messed up say I so smart than don't used her camera ....than I told her the cam not u buy one lor pls dun think is you buy one when in fact it was daddy buy one ...she go Australia study think she come back so smart already...she go Australia come back by this buy that lor ( buy new laptop , new phone, watch ,camera, 3 bags, accesories, toys) she think she go vacation ah before going still buy clarinet 5000 dollars ..... WORSE THING is she got the cheek to tell me I am the one that spend most of daddy money, please lor now can clearly see who the asshole+jackass is .... If she want pick fight with me now I will not even hesitate to tell her to fuck off infront of my family .....

I now announce the truth of why I want to leave Singapore, for music , for anti bias, for a real family, for my life and freedom...

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 10:47 PM

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ahahaha can't be bothered to blog too much practices...DO NOT DISTURB!!!

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 6:31 PM

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oops, seems like I never blog abt anything as promise..lol:)

Ok this was what happen that night steve vai(raihan) cooked INSTANT NOODLES that was fabulous in taste for us(Rihanna,michael buble,MJ) to eat , erm yeah so after eating we licked ourselves in the room to jam and jam and snack and snack and sleeps after that, HEY we had fun alright, Ryan(MJ) somehow pranked us indirectly that night, fucking funny....this was what happen , we(nurul,raihan,me) thought that Ryan had sent his grandpa off to the bus stop, so we waited at the living room for him to come back so after 15 mins we were like "where on earth is Ryan","where the hell did he die off to", guess what HE WAS ALL AWHILE IN HIS ROOM...doing what SLEEPING!!!!!!!


So me and nurul was like , oh wow we wasted 15mins just to wait for a person who is sleeping...WOW

Anyway that night was boomz ok , thank god Ris Low wasn't there, no leopard prints were present, No fashionista...YOU KNOW!!!.......

So this morning went to bukit timah market with mommy, erm I hated it seriously, so dirty, and wet....no wonder they have wet market!!

Whatsoever ok!!! At least I came home partially dry, why partially, cos IT RAINED.

Than come home bath and did the dead sear mud spa as promise by mommy, now I feel so normal, except the throat, it still feel so horrific, garrrrrr!!!!!!!

Nurul's dry throat problem is solved...oh I am blaming the throat soring problem to the 3ginger beers I drank and the little sip of red bull...fuck-licious..now Michael buble is sick...who is he gonna freaking blame...some fingers and a innocent bull which is not innocent...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

Ok now I am lying on my bed waiting for my brain to go into sleep mode...soooooo tired..ok readers I want to go off now..to lala land

P.s. This blog post long right!! You have not seen worse >:)

By the way I saw Miley Cyrus on the last day of work at seab teban...look "FLY ON THE WALL"

And this also adds on to the picture we took that crazy night,

And I ate this just now

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 12:29 AM

Friday, October 23, 2009

Ok so I did not blog for the past few days because I was super busy...with work and rehearsals....

Work wise I cannot say much, CLASSIFIED!!!

Ok so rehearsal was great but we did it at raihan's crib which was so bad feeling because I personally felt that we troubled him , =(

Sorry raihan!!

Anyway everything went smoothly as expected!! Greatness..how boomz!!

Ok than knock off early woohoo...today last day David let us off earlier good

Ok than afternoon went to school for rehearsal ...obviously had fun..loved the people

Ok blah blah blah

Than after rehearsal went to raihan's house to sleep over...nurul came along also crashed with us, ok great right

Ok la now abt to sleep..tomolo than tell you what exactly happen at the night after reaching the Adams family...

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 8:49 AM

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Yay...never go work today....but i feel guilty..sorry clara..hard on you..

ok today never go work so went to school to do my funconcert rehearsal. weehee..doing just fine..

i did not screw up today just projection faults.

ok than today ended rehearsal at raftly 12pm and than went to imm to have lunch and fun than headed to daiso to lame.. haha....will upload photos in my facebook ok...go check out..

er...not going to blog much today .... basically practiced too much and screamed too much and now i just want to rest.. but momma got so many things to lemme scan...doesnt she know i am going to end work next week...can she just love me tender....????


the thing now is that i will blog tomolo and i will do wat i do best...SLEEP.....nites.

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 6:27 AM

Monday, October 19, 2009

Long time never blog...miss you guys so much...and ah I cant talk much now doing rehearsal...maybe show some photo later

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 7:15 PM

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Yesterday nvr blog worh.....oops
My bad

Anyway yesterday is seniors last day, we are gonna miss them bah...so much sweet memories so short time huh

Hehe which seniors I refering to leh....is the SEAB colleagues la

Anyway some if them are Jace, serene, Steve, Jessica, huizhen whom I hung out with yesterday for awhile , tomolo still maybe meeting up for lunch/dinner not yet confirmed

So yesterday suppose to go bank but bank closed...zzzzz damn it


Whatever luh...Things which supposingly need not be too bothered still must be bothered

Ok today went for trimming ...now hair short short ..I'm lovin it, next month than go xpect to cut hair luh..at the same time highlights........

Ok so now I M having dinner at kfc ...mummy buying I blogging here...oh I At northpoint by the way...nth much, no nice shops for inspirations.....

Ok la foods here ...talk tomorrow ,eat first, tweet later

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 4:41 AM

Thursday, October 15, 2009

This morning before 4am I fell off the bed...


Anyway this morning just so tired to get off bed, I had jeans hunting lor....
Than meet Jacob Sam arif Clara and jiahui at city vibe at 7am, but Jacob and arif never eat with us...they went mac

Ok la than after that toon 78 from clementi than had a big loop around jurong =) at least spend some time around with Samantha

Alfred that reach workplace le...had some chit chat lor...but still trying to get to know each other!!!

Oo..than afternoon came lunch. I had not much money so I just had chicken rice lor....

Today is jiejie birthday , today also puayli mummy birthday, but jie not celebrating so I go puayli there to celebrate...

Than reach bukit batok too early , than sit at bukit batok ...west mall the IFC wait for them lor ..the aircon so cold....brrrrrrrr

Than after they arrive we went to bukit batok community club lor..to celebrate!!!

We did lots of songs ...hehes smiles I loved it la!!!

Than I stayed till quite late, mummy scold me :(

What the ****


As long as I am contempted , right!!!!

Ok la tired le just bath now gonna go sleep, tomolo still got work...see ya

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 8:49 AM

Suppose to post yesterday's blogpost but I deleted by Accident!!!!


So yesterday was my first day of work at SEAB , can't tell you much as it is CLASSIFIED, they made me sign a contractto somehow swear !!!! :(

aiya whatsover as long as everyone is capable which I am happy abt:)

So after work yesterday, I went to jurong to meet sis yesterday than go plaza singapura , after that went to cafe cartel eat ...very nice...I had pork ribs :p

Ok la than after that mummy took cab brought us home lor, so weird ..so weird!!!!!

Ok la got weird mommy got weird son:)

Than go home le too tired sleep


Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 3:33 AM

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Today so sian lor this morning but quite a silent and "cold" one . So this morning wake up had lontong than wash up and went out to haircut , in the end also nvr cut ... So disappointing.. Anyway leave that at the end of the post. So after went out me and mummy went to mall first to get something than headed down to supposingly get my hair highlighted but NEVER why because the barber was not around the person was on leave , to mahjong!!!! I was like whatever.. I was so demanding and I dun care.. Suck up arse... Cannot give me what I want, go all the wat to khatib to get NOTHING f**k!!!

Ok than we spend some time at the salon as mummy wanted t talk to other hairstylist than ok lor at least I had my mac with me, as long as mac with me I happy :)

Recently so addicted to twitting guess i hardcore already, than after that went home...today weather so hot lor...than still walk to khatib station take bus :(

So disappointed ... Can't we just do the swagga way by flaggin for a cab...see so uncapable, I realize one thing, most of the people around me are all so uncapable, why can't they fulfil my needs to make me feel better besides por me ...ok la not all la but some that do not take iniciative to do what right lor ..last time do so much ask for a little good enough right...so disappointed...just now in the bus receive a good news ..I GOT A JOB !!!

Finally after how many donkey days ...credits goes to mrs ang and ms lee and thank god got you weida!!! Thank you soooooo much

Ok than had yong tau foo for dinner ...so sedap-licious

Currently now I am packing for tomorrows adventure >:) nasty time tomorrow!!!!!!!!

Love ya lots and living my life to the fullest swag

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 6:37 AM

Monday, October 12, 2009

This morning had my schedule all plan out...and I have something to officially announce..I am gonna live what I do best music and I am gonna respect my ego and my swagga"

Pursue it...I will

Ok so this mornog had a little breakfast than went to school to help out with some thing mrs ang wanted me to do...anyway went back to school also got another motive, to do class chalet and outing stuff...good monitor eh..respect it...good things don't come easily but they take off faster than you blink

NEXT, spend couple of hours in school, today was also the DNT paper which was awesome but agonic as it was the last day...today is also the first day for Ahma to work at seab...everything would go smoothely for her I believe=)

Ok and anyway I went home at 4 which was great because the rain subsided and I could walk home , I was thinking about prom on the way so I was thinking I am gonna swag and really enjoy myself...

Than at night we had dinner than just now browse facebook and her Twitter and her blog and also saw her new guy, I always ask myselff I have eer regretted letting you go. You are in america now but I cannot believe you first the first apple and candy in my eye but now you are no.2 ,I really want to know if I was ever first place in your heart or was it always life first before me...or am I too selfish...you deserve better and I think he would give you the best , enjoy life my angel.....I will never forget what you engraved my heart, our first love...you gave me chance..thank you

P.s. I'll still be there

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 7:52 AM

Sunday, October 11, 2009

This morning before wakin up had this super weird dream

So Deja vu

Anyway dun want to talk abt it,
Woke up already just had breakfast...awesome cos had expensive bread for breakfast...who care put expensive come out cheap=)

( good theory right)

Than because woke up near noon so immediately had lunch after the expensive bread

Anyway porridge...eeeeeeeaaaaa

I hate it to eat together with this alien cabbage never see before ahhhh

So after that play com lor mummy dun care anyway

Made plenty of new frenz on Twitter

To those people out there ...I have officially talk to soulja boy...yes the kiss me thru the phone artist..

Than after finishing up on the com, I have been lying on the bed for the evening to twit and FB


Ok la want dinner le


Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 4:58 AM

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nap picture mummy take one, she say I look very innocent...anyway I adorable too so must post


Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 1:59 AM

This morning wake up at around 11am

Thought of cooking but was too lazy than open a can of tuna lor and eat together with bread...so sian

Anyway need to ownself restock le la. Daddy not around like so tiring...need to go shopping for food and stock than buy clothes no one fetch me T_T

You have to agree on how fast Time flies.. In the afternoon, sis woke up. And ridiculously she asked me the same question that I asked myself, " what are we having for breakfast...I was like stunned..for 5 seconds than I answered her..a lame answer....FOOD!!! Wahahahahahahahahaha

Anyway than she ignored me as i was so cocky

She afternoon call the maid to go buy food for her..she machiam queen ...anyway I had nothing

Time time time flew flew flew slowly and i did something recreative in the afternoon ...browse thru fashion mag and web and kaypo people facebook and blog than kachiao my dog lor..walao his skin so oily la dunno wat happen KNN cannot take it than took him into the shower... Than bathed him...I took photo leh with him, that was after he showered..

ok than showered him le than blow dry he was ADORABLE!!!

duh I did all the best for him leh, though first time cannot sia suey, dogs will laugh, I know he won't dare too...if not I cook him...oops SPCA will warn me le

After attending to this furry arse..i was so tired..I slept for 10minutes...it is called power nap(mr
Koh say one)

Wake up see sunset =)


Ok la follow me on Twitter (emmettseah)

Talk to me.come to me.entertain me

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 1:34 AM

Friday, October 9, 2009

Today had my last paper. Today was also one of my saddest school life ever. We are all just not sure if we would all see each other again.. So are just unpredictable but some are just too predictable, it is just ill -fated

Nvr felt this bad before , I just felt that everyone must be and could be forgiven today but we still have results day to see each other again for maybe the last time

After that spent sometime o have breakfast with LiLi..LiLI's mummy invite me g her birthday party on the 15th of october, so happy

Though we all say holiday would be better, I think today changed my perspective:(

After that come home call mrs ang,chatter for awhile than hung up.....I am going back to school this coming Monday to give thanks..

That's basically all of this morning .. Afternoon to night spend my while time infrint of computer to look at and bossy abt others twitter and facebook and blogs

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 10:30 AM

Yesterday never blog, today blog yesterday's happening first bah

Yesterday had paper in the morning MATHS sian sia, but easier than the first paper....hmm should be able to do good.

Than in the afternoon had geography too. Soooooooo tough, what the FUCK!!!

Lazy blog abt yesterday le la....it was just awesomely boring"""""""""

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 2:52 AM

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Today wake up had breakfast after that procrastinate

Today the whole day , just don't feel like doing work maybe should check up on the horoscope(education sector)

Ok after had lunch was using the new mac to surf to tweet and FB, still getting use to it...how to alt.f4


Ok than did dome revision, you won't believe this...I open the book and I slept immediately ...sleepy me haha yeah sleepy me I guess.

Than woke up. Immediately do revision ...one side do work another hand. Tweet......

So weird but used to it Liao!!!!!!!

Today nothing to blog abt actually , suppose to be yesterday , cos I blogging pass 12am le haha ok la yawnzzzzz

Sleep time"""""""

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 10:06 AM

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Remember i told you guys about this singer younger than me by a year...JUSTIN BIEBER..he got new song..one less lonely girl yesterday release, in the itunes chart at 50 plus..today it progress from 50+ to #5 to #3...PRO AH..

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 8:03 PM

Yesterday, woke up at 8.45am to revise than had breakfast and chatted on the phone with AHMA.(samantha) abt maths of cos..---------

Yesterday was maths paper too in the afternoon..Gosh was it difficult an i screwed it.AHHHH

Ok nvm what done is done guess i would have to do is to do better for the second part of the paper.AHHHHHH

So yesterday after the paper, me and Jie went to EPIcentre@ wheelock to CHANGE IPOD...i got it replace woohoo after 1hr of negotiations and 30 mins of waiting time just to get my new touch which is as well as screwed up as before.NVM....!!

So after that we went to shaw house to eat MAC'donalds..the cashier was so hilarious i told her i want double cheeseburger meal ah than when she heard me say cheese burger she immediately said $2 ....lol...i was like " uh..i want the meal leh" than she laugh at herself...LAME!!

Ok than talk to jie alot of things, alot of topics, alot of kaypo things, alot of buay bah parts....HAHA mostly me DUH....

Than 7.05pm i left for home reach home raftly 8.15pm becos orchard area having traffic jam..yesterday Marriot Hotel got alot of lamborghini. SWEET!!
So yesterday when i boarded the bus i saw this group of girls that look super familiar. Of cos they knew me but i Short term Memory loss....they were actually my primary school friends that supported me when i needed them and when i was a coward to step up...Well thank you. nvr did i know you all still stick together "MACHIAM"(as if like) GLUE....haha..


When i took bus 7 i overshot by a stop and i had to walk home..4 blks away.....ahhhhhh, i was so saturated when i reach home..

come home unboxed my iPod and DAMN...it is GORGEOUS. i got the anti glare screen protector for 19 bucks. cheap already .

The whole night yesterday did nothing but Ipod iPod Ipod..all the way ....guess that i have to go study later on...Daddy And Mummy are already so worried for me...well WORK HARD ERNEST..

Ok than sleep........................till next morning...--->=D

p.s. Yesterday was boring and i dun stand a chance..i think i would give up an you honey

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 7:52 PM

Monday, October 5, 2009

As promised that night post,

Ok just now i ended off with the bus thingy ah. than now i continue le. just now come home play ipod for many hours than now blog le lor...A little "EARLY" hor..anyway i realise my ipod got a little faulty so i going to exchange tomolo after my maths paper..yeah ...EXCHANGE woohoo...orchard , here i come.

Ok today i had a surprise. as you all know last week i had no birthday cake to celebrate my birthday, so today mummy they all buy 6 organic birthday cake of different flavour for me... so lovable, the cakes was gorgeous. they were made by a japanese Pâtisserie that make wonderful varieties of cake as stated in the website "cafeglace.com", i had the organic green and red bean cake, banana choc cake, and also the chestnut cake, the good thing that all ingredients are premium and organic and besides, it is not really sweet but astonishingly tasty. Seriously gotta go try People...they have store's at china town, tanjong pagar......go see the web....

Anyway now i want go revise maths le ok...good luck to many whom still bear hope in doing the papers..good luck have a nice day and PEACE.!!!!

p.s. ORCHARD HERE I COME.....iPod here i come....

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 6:51 AM

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Today had my second round of paper for N's IT WAS HORRIBLE

Ok started off with physics paper which was was the party pooper....it was like the fun spolier la....so tough .. Anyway I think chemistry which was after that had pulled me up, good eh!!!!!!

The fact is that is morning like nothing to blog abt leh... Test is that boring lor...no need to further explain de la

Just now at the bus stop with kanaga wait for the bus. Wait so long de lah.....sbs do something leh....pls pls , bus 151 ok( TAKE NOTE)

Ok lor than after paper go home le la.....tonight blog again

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 9:32 PM

This morning woke up late and I was not in time to go meet mrs an in time for the revision session , anyway and afterall I am still the earliest to reach MAC@ bukit merah hah thab I went thru some hemistry question with her and I understood liao

Ok but I wanted To go thru physics too bad had no time to go thru with her ...sian

Than Trevor and zhong Han came to join us than we ended at around 1.30pm...than I did a chem paper. Scored 37 for it....so disappointing .

Than went to tiong to look for my rebeltouch essentials...guess I did no find any lor lolz.... Than take mrt dunno want go to Clementi or jurong .......

Let's see inthe end I did not go to either I went to DOVER ...l

Lolz right.

Ok than reach home sis say going out to eat because she want to celebrate her "receive of her first pay"

Than Though it is a Sunday and I had no time study, still have to go because I dun like to be alone at home....

Than @ 5 left home for that restaurant she wants to brings us to lor.....i really dunno the shop name sia!!!!!

Let me think...it is called er.....(麻婆豆腐饭庄)
The first thing I tried was the chong Qing diced chicken with dried spicy chilli....it Is really HOT..

Ok than after eating and settled the bill, terrible feeling i tell you lolz!!!

Than after that went home lor, tomolo is sciences paper where else to go huh!!!

Than reach home you know do what le la


Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 6:01 AM

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Wee hees yesterday was TGIF today is TGIS and it is gonna end very soon....SIANZ....ok the thing is that I dun feel happy at this particular hour on Saturdays unless I am chilling with friends but instead studying at home for N LEVEL you know how scary it feels becos u know clearly that there is no time to study but to grab hold of every opportunity ....boy how I wish I could go back to the past when we had time to do everything nicely and right.

So this morning wake up ,on my iPod first thing go APP store do updates than wake up and tweet ... After that had my biscuit breakfast which was not awesome... Becos saturday eat biscuit on the morning very low class feel...Saturday is meant to be way awesome than having biscuits

Afternoon had some revision before daddy came home , he bought us lunch which was another letdown...I was expecting To go to orchard to have lunch ... Hah never will get bored of that place ...

So after having lunch back to the revision marathon tha till 6 downloaded the new CSI: Miami season 8 yay...way ahead of you guys who watch it, nice right...

Than 6 o clock watched wild child that Emma Roberts movie on hbo family....than had some dinner...than do some work than my bro..(A) we shall call it SMS me and tell me his sad feeling abt relationship...well I am not you but I can understand your agony...dun feel to hard or dun be to pressurized ok a

So this is what she said to (A) .....haiz dun feel too bad .

Ok now I am going to do study tomolo meeting mrs ang at bukit Merah mac to study... So must do some study , so tomolo got work to show her right!!!!!

Ok byezzzzzzz

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 5:06 AM

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ok as promise evening blogpost, just now I come home slack and download music. Than so disappointed that mariah's albumn is not out .....

Next, for dinner sis bought something spectacular ....CHICKEN lor(fried)

Now just looking at others facebook lor hmm, feelin tired la !!!!

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 6:18 AM

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Today is a Friday...TGIF

This morning had maths , went thru some papers to get prepared for national exams......this morning very weird becos the haze is back!!! So disapointing , haiz.

After which was Chinese period, again free periods,npllayed tap tap revenge battle with alot of people than I won all lost 1 match , marvellous ain't I......after that was recess...I nvr go leh haha

Ok than after that was geography, ms tan so boring la go thru paper but I got listen hor!!!

After 2 periods of geog....here came dooms day....PPR collection.....wahahahahah anyway and yes I am second in clas with a average score...dun even asking me Bout' the first as the score is easy to guess, but overall I think n level we should not take it too easy because we would not know what's into it for us......so yeah than I went home after that ,later in the evening probably I would blog again
..btw is there any nice iPod. Touch 2g cases or sleeves to recommend....I thought of getting another rebel touch back exoskeleton. The orange or the black one hmm purple seems gross !!!

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 11:26 PM

Today seem To be an easy going day , what I am trying to say basically is that the STORM seemed to settle.

Today went to school a little later than usual, archana is back from medical leave, great to see her again. Becos talkin to her seems easy and she us very approachable however she is very !!! defensive !!!

Ok today rained in the morong and we had to assemble in the classroom instead so we did not have to go downstairs to the parade square where everyone would be perspiring becos of the sun RIGHT BEHIND US.. And great thing is that mrs ang is back from her sick leave """ after flag raising we had CME which was a free period for us to study our desired subjects, for me mr chan went thru some questions on circles with me..and now I shall assume I got that knowledge in my head.…

After that was English which was yet another free period, ms Olivia was talking to some people and me and Ana just stayed at the back othe class charging iPod's wahahahaha , this is what I call utilizing school properties hence this is also the reason we pay school fee...RIGHT

Ok after English was recess, we had early recess..I did not got to the canteen as I did not want to eat...good to hear right

Thus I stayed in class to play blackjack with Sam and Shaun , I lost 3 dollars ..no good !!! TSK!!!

After recess, we had Chinese which was another free period haha yeah free periods great right .....ok Chinese period I was busy browing facebook with Ana , and we LOVE it...

After Chinese was FNN , before attending class I saw mrs ang , she gave me a good news worth listening to and I was super happy upon hearing itand that is that o got 2nd place in class standing In class I feel so happy as this is a uncommon that happens my life

I would not ask for anymore things beside to pass my n levels properly And well done-ed

Ok la now I on my way to marine parade shopping centre to fix my specs. Hopefully can drop by apple centre to see pouches or sleeves for my iPod touch ... Love you people whom have been blessin me and supporting me in all ways , may god be with you

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 3:33 AM