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I am ERNEST a.k.a EMMETT Seah Jun Zhi
Landed on EARTH on...
27th of september 1993
Legally BOY
Schools @ NTSS-3507 new.town.secondary.school


ESPECIALLY wishing for my 6-packs

People Who Por Too Much
People Who Dont Admit Defeat
People Who Still Friend
People Who Photocopy Me
People Who Is Topicless
People Who Does Not Like themselves HARDCORE-ly



My Tofu-licious Friends

Peili Jie...





December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010

Hire Me Direct

Monday, November 30, 2009

Look what I ask Kaimei to do

- Posted via iPod

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 7:50 AM

Fuck the bus captain that shouted at me...i never see the bus coming what last minute than stopped the bus you should know that passengers are always right..screw this bus conductors..no wonder they get hit for no reasons..still put what "our bus captains deserve to work in a aduse free community and environment"

Pls TEAR THE POSTERS down they don't deserve this kind of environment...yaya papaya...fuck ass white shit!!!!!@8@$@$&%^%7

- Posted via iPod

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 7:35 AM

Gosh finally I can blog..the Internet was down..the machine stepped out of my life...I hate SINGTEL

Anyway I hate it and I love it..that's why I am on the bus and bringing it to the repair centre=)

Ok i dunno why but I tend to get very tired recently..I am old

And fat

And god damned

Anyways FML in short

So the thing now is I want to tell all of you readers out there...go catch new moon ..it is awesome and marvellous, in short it was boomz and much pretty un-shingz

Yawns ..still have many stops to go and guess what I just yawned...eyes drippy

Ahh hate the Internet !!!

- Posted via iPod

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 7:34 AM

Friday, November 27, 2009

Ok the photos that I really keep forgetting to post for you guys !!!

This are the friend you can spend time forever with thru thick or thin..remember it's prom night..I love you lots ;)

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 3:24 PM

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Just came back from prom..and I took lotta photos ..will post them tomorrow how bout that >:)

Ok so just now arrive at Hilton and saw many of my best buddys out there smoking?? And some waiting for people to arrive and go in together well for me I kept my swagga ..I went there with an surprising entrance..my entrance thrilled many people and they were like..staring

Ok haha so maybe what I wore for prom made me look thin . But don't be deceived it is just the clothes that made me full of confidence..the coat was terribly expensive...Eugene pig got it right..it is expensive, more expensive than my Andre Valentino shoes...the coat was around $859 (custom) thanks mummy

So yeah than the top was simple but the coat covered most of everything, love my suit...ok back to prom, everyone else looked super beautiful seriously I loved how people like veluriya, Raymond, karthik, and many wore..hafizah put up a great show:) and there were many "instructors" at the end of prom, ahha!!!

Ok so the first few dishes made us super bloated and I was only waiting for the pudding...now did that surprise you...the mango pudding was delicious..even baosheng could not wait to eat it ...fish shaped

Ok than I was expecting people to perform..but nana..no one did but the lucky draw prizes were tempting...

Hmph...should have played the don't forget the lyrics game...:(

Alright prom is over and that mean I should not be grumpy and upset...I am happy!!!!!!

Ok now I am sitting infront of the fan and just typing on my iPod touch like no ones fuckin business...well duh if cos no one cares...the rest is fast asleep:P

Now I am feeling tired because if the recap of past year...I am listening to Katy perrys album now and she really is very creative....now I am wondering would Katy dedicate "ur so gay" to adam lambert...great song you know....

Alright time to sleep..pictures wise I will upload tomorrow...I still can't believe that BOOMZ girl is on FHM cover page

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 9:13 AM


Today is the day were we celebrate the friendship among friends and also a day to remember the past times...prom night

In about 4hours time at Hilton hotel we will all be heart warmth and throb because of friends


Prom..not just about prom king and queen ..

Ok gotta get ready for my prom..:(

- Posted via iPod

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 8:57 AM

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Today was another hell lotta fun, today was just abt the 22nd November mj tribute com happy birthday natijah concert...everything in every angle and corner was awesome is it own preset...the Adams was awesome...they did it so well, we really did enjoy ourselves very much and I pretty much love th performance me and nurul put up just now....**thumbs up**

No denial

Ok so I am now blogging near their residences which surprisingly have wifi here ...woo


Ok ignore the time and date my blog states...now is 8:47pm and we are still hardcore jamming...<3

Smells like home ...music never felt that good

Okok I am being dragged around by lullaby...however I am very tired today ...so stay tune YET AGAIN

Ok but wait... Keep holding on to @emmettseah on Twitter that's the one stop place for entertainment and latest updates

- Posted via iPod

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 4:50 AM

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ahh at the hairdresser now, just finish touching up my hair..yay...bloody prepared for prom night but there's one thing still not prepared.

Anyway, still not sure to go to peninsula later anot, feel so angry with mummy dun give me money go buy prom stuffs, ahhhhhhhh!!!!!

Ok la see later I free to blog anot but remember , if you want to catch my every movements and every thing I do or people and things I talk about follow me on Twitter @ @emmettseah or if you love entertainment subscribe to kukidoseah on YouTube <3

Ok shall continue watching my show now nananana.....lalalalala

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S( posted via iPod )

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 9:12 PM

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yesterday was a so slack and bored day..the whole day stay home ...except in the morning and night. The rest of the time was pure boredom !!

So yesterday morning went to mr prata with mummy to eat breakfast..dunno anyone see me anot...I was pissed because I was pissed???

ThAN came home almost 12 noon than pass maid her food..told her to eat before leaving home for the hospital with grandparents...so I thought she ate ..than they left home...went they come home me and my mum realize that the big goon did not eat the prata , in fact she brought it to the hospital AND BROUGHT IT BACK HOME AGAIN, anyway the whole day the maid is just being scolded by my mum fir her stupid clumsy actions...still laugh and smile when she got scolded....something wrong!!!

So evening approached quickly when one slacks...watch hbo the whole day and what not, duh of coz time will pass like no one business

So helped mummy prepare dinner and we had dinner 7 sharp....FIRST TIME !!!

Ahhh the maid is clumsy and she is annoying

So at night met nurul and arif for rehearsal in fact our first rehearsal and 22nd is nearing and we are NOT PREPARED

And we just set the plans well yesterday...this reduces my time for YouTube vids...sorry guys...furthermore my com crashed...how am I suppose to upload grrrr!!!!

Sp everything pretty delayed and I LOVE it

We still like have a month before December almost ends

And I have been procrastinating for my holidays ...totally a dammit situation....gonna start crackin for class matters(chalet and whatnot)


I am a sad person in a sad life in a happy world

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 5:23 PM

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hmm, recently haven't been blogging much...recently too much thngs happened and that included shopping =D

Ok so yes many things happen recently and I do not wish to disclose them as it is classified..

But just to let everyone know. I am fine . No worries...missing school and all you guys...prom is coming soon. Really wish to enjoy that night well.

25th November here i come

22nd is gonna be a big day for some. Gonna do good that day. Recently haven been donling much good deeds for the community, gonna do some of these soon..like giving up that seat to pregnant lady perhaps...good hah!!!! ;)

Well that is if god shows a pregnant lady to me to show that piece of love

Ok another matter I think I have been procrastinating about...class outings and chalet...HOW

Goodness shit...I feel lost

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 7:28 AM

Saturday, November 14, 2009

This morning I was off to orchard to watch 2012...the show was marvellous 7/10

Ok went with nurul to watch it..she cried dunno for what..however I love it as graphics was a thumbs up

By not gonna blog much just what we were doing just now
And I am off to bed

So after movie we went to orchard central where I brought here to see the crown jewels(beats)

And we like planning to rob iStudion if their..we and our delusional thinkings..also we went to dr martens..she somehow make me love the shoe..maybe bring daddy go and burn his pocket there


So after that went to coffee bean to talk tunes and we have come out with a deduction

We shall meet again...

So I am meeting nurul nextweek again again again

Till 22nd...showdown

Ok dozing off already nitezl

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 9:24 AM

Friday, November 13, 2009

so here are some pictures for you guys...

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 1:30 AM

I am blogging on MRT

Just now went to tiong to have lunch with Samantha @subway saw mr woo too...he was a marker for a subject but he dun want tell us which sub

Anyway today got a new SWITCHEASY case for my iPod touch ..sooo boomz and so sportyand it resembles a lamborghini downstairs my house

Show you all pics later .

Just now left tiong saw divakar,Leonard and company..than they commented on my hair...good comments but seriously, dun need flatter..its ok

This morning I felt like a prince because I felt a need to command, super fun and I was happy

Ok la after yesterdays mirror Incdent I feel so shy...lolz

Okok reaching cityhall le ...gotta go to raffles hotel to pick up my bag abd some books mummy ask me to get.!!

Later than=)

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 1:30 AM

Thursday, November 12, 2009

This is real scary people reading my blog...something spooky happn to me...

I just looked at the mirror to see if I had any pimples..guess what..I was replying to a tweet and I just grab the mirror ..unknowingly and hopped on the bed...that is so weird..and I am just laughing at myself..am I going CRAZY..is this what you get..A SICKNESS that you get if u holiday too long....;(

This is not going anywhere..firstly I laugh becos I hopped into bed with the mirror..and now I am feelin sad

This is disturbia

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 6:08 AM

As promise a sneak peak of the "highlights"

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 2:58 AM

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Went to the mall with mummy just now..sheesh...so bored and tired...and I was at centrepoint , guess who I saw ..my favourite, ms Huang and ms tan(Jane)

So they were having their dinner and I was about to leave..;(

So this blogpost is short coz I am very tired..not gonna say much .. Just reach home also , the next thing I am gonna do is to bath and crash into the bed...no fire so very very safe...but will drool...lolz...WON'T cos I dun even drool...though I am fat...zzzzz

Ok time to bubble bath...:)

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 8:01 AM

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Looks like showing off the new me us gonna take some time...I totally forgotten that my "beloved" computer crashed..failing me and my family ..FUCK YOU HP and screw yourself WINDOWS VISTA AND ALSO A VULGAR SHOUT-OUT TO MY TOSHIBA LAPPIE--> you SUCK!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡ cos you run on windows that's why you suck..all hail apple osx...

Lemme tell you something hilarious I heard off recently

Have anyone heard the news that the new iPhone software has a bug as in virus

Well that means it gotta be a BAD APPLE~~~ lolz

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 8:24 AM


Check out this video on YouTube:


Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 3:14 AM

Oh kae , so I was suppose to go out with nurul today but she cocked up today...today am also fearing something ..horoscope says there is something in between friends and I which Is having a problem..and that's communication, I am getting quite freak out right now and I dun like it because friend are my top priorities and everyone knows my style pretty well so just speak up and keep me in the dark :(


I know my clique won't be hiding anything from me so I can ease off!!! Love ya guys!!!

Ok so now and again I am blogging on the bus and on my way to the hairdresser together my hair coloured...show you all later ...

Just nw earlier in the morning something happened to my com and it is pretty screwed up like last time right now>:(

Fuckin pissed and sad and also paranoid

Can't be bothered to emphasize on what happen this morning...show you all pics later:)

Tomolo sending computer to the service center once more time if not bye bye windows hello apple

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 12:57 AM

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Just reach home After a wonderfully boomz day with prabu and nurul..just now meet nurul with a foul smell in the way....

Than we just kept shopping here and there around paragon ...window shopping only lolz

Than I got so much inspiration for the prom night on 25 nov I can't wait for and also the 22nd nov concert party or should I say celebration. So after going to paragon nurul was so hungry she drag me around and finally to macdonalds to have D-RUNCH(dinner/lunch)

After that she needed to go to AMK to pick up a blogshop purchased tshirt ...so I follow her lor..than met up with prabu...semi partypooper but he was great to hung with...thanks dude

Ya la than after that took MRT to vivo than bought chocolates before going to the sky garden to fuckin camwhore hardcore...!!!!

I took some pics and I will post on FACEBOOK (add me @ ernest_seah@hotmail.com)

Yeah so go see...cos I am lazy...just too lazy to bloody upload through here....okok I will upload some...HAPPY =)

The rest go FB self-service...

So this are the little photos as promised

Blogged by the marvellous Emmett.S

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 9:27 AM