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I am ERNEST a.k.a EMMETT Seah Jun Zhi
Landed on EARTH on...
27th of september 1993
Legally BOY
Schools @ NTSS-3507 new.town.secondary.school


ESPECIALLY wishing for my 6-packs

People Who Por Too Much
People Who Dont Admit Defeat
People Who Still Friend
People Who Photocopy Me
People Who Is Topicless
People Who Does Not Like themselves HARDCORE-ly



My Tofu-licious Friends

Peili Jie...





December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010

Hire Me Direct

Friday, July 31, 2009

I feel So stressed..

Dunno Which is better to choose.

Jie jie blog abt me ..i contented.Thanks.

Now i am going to do my homework..Sianz.

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 9:24 PM

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Aiyo..just woke up..had a really stupid but weird and dumb and geeky dream..i dreamt that i was making my new EZ-LINK card than i recieve the card the time i very happt. but when i saw my name spell wrongly at first i went to confront them. i got my new one fast.but this time my name upside down, confront again. Got back than this time.There is too much facing and my name ernest was behind the card, i got angry this time and confront them. but no matter how many time i confront them to change for me they will say they have done their best and call me to stop coming because i was really annoying..

Ok so much about the dream.today had oral after school.i cant believe it, it is N level and it only took me 3 minutes and 43 seconds to finish my oral.i was so angry with myself for not talking much during oral.HAIZ Than the examiners was staring at me when i read my passage.i was doing my best what.i was reading to at extent that i was actually like a narrator.no choice THIS IS WHY THEY CALL IT 'N'

After oral go home.than make salad.than sleep...now going jogging than come back do homework. May stay up to watch twilight for the 25th time.haha.never bored..never will


Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 5:12 AM

Monday, July 27, 2009

Haiz. today vehh vehh tired.

today went to school quite late. but nvr late.becos i good student.
Recently my troubled self haven seem to do anything about resolving the problem troubling me.Because leh firstly i headache and very pain and Mrs Ang say i not doing a good job. i feel bad enough for today. physics i need mr tan to teach me . maths i also need james koh to teach me..Chemistry lagi worse.i need Mrs Ang.but everyone seem to be very busy. tomolo i also have SBQ lesson. Also got fnn..Sorry not lesson.ATP hor.WaPiang.i now left head pain..later still going jogging even though raining.can someone care for m or kiss me on my forehead or wish upon a wishing star that i can get better..):

I tell you ah. Mrs Ang say i did bad job i damn sad.Chung han call me FAT ASS. walao. nevermind.never hurt my pride just hurt my feeling and my efforts.I trying to lose weight here and there no encouragement.Yesterday got fucked up in the middle of the night by Gramps for laughing loudly with my family.We laugh also not his prob. i doing family bonding leh . Furthermore.today i ate apple with samantha.i felt so happy. now i not weirdo.hehe.ok ah and than today chinese period mummy call me. than in the middle of the lesson my mummy ask me ask teacher question.Lolz.

I cant find time to ask teachers questions maybe i should find a day which i can stay back.I really not feeling well.No one care for me le.Teacher all so fierce to me.SIANZ. and than hor. i think i should wake up..stop headache-ing.GOSH!!..TALENTIME APPROACHING.

Bye Bye Angela.Dis-appearing From My Memories.......BE GONE....

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 3:01 AM

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I Am so troubled by how blogger repair their posting section...THIS PARTICULAR SECTION I AM TYPING IN NOW.GOSH!

Ok ..yesterday did intense training..today very tired. than this morning do not so intense.but later i the evening i am going to increase my intensity level.By the way..this only applies to the people who catch what i trying to say.if you dun know never mind. TEEhee

oK. this morning ate nth much as i have to watch what i place in the mouth. than mum bought porridge home. tasted fine. but i must not be picky.hohoho...later my brother going for camp.university camp.i can have the house to myself AGAIN.muahahahaha...anyway i also feel threaten.my sister have something in hand to threaten me to be her SLAVE...sobz.Who cares..i have the most iq in the house lor.

Anyway. just watch twilight again.i think the 12th time already...still not bored.hopefully new moon have the same effect. anyway was watching the scene in which the cullens played baseball. than i loved the song in the background.By muse.supermassive black hole.LOVED-IT.

later maybe doing chemistry till evening than have a snack. than go training..Yawns.dunno why i recently feel very tired.maybe at the breach of breaking down. anyway .BLOGGER STILL STINKS.i cannot post photos...suck feet la..GrrrRr..I think it is going to rain soon..the sun and the thick clouds are so ambiguous.and unbalance.they just dun know which is better. RAIN OR SHINE..god bless......Oh yeah, i want get a shoe this year for birthday.and than i told hafizah and hidayah that i dont need presents from them..because i feel that there is no need to keep asking. so i have grown tired.i just want a chalet for my birthday after 'N' level and my shoe, a new phone, a new wallet, a new bag and my groups of loyal and great and always-there-friends there with me.I AM CONTENTED.

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 8:54 PM

Friday, July 24, 2009

sleeping now

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 2:12 AM

Recently Blogger had problems..so many things want to talk abt, so much problems..

Computer is losing me. Friends quarrel.Love problem….

The worst problem is still love problem, why must be trap in a love triangle of 2 girls.i very pitiful leh. One want hook up with me one want to leave me, I am so confused..LONG STORY!!!

Today is miss Olivia birthday, she teach us 2 yrs already than to be fair to her, we decided to celebrate birthday for her. And than also bully her…hehe

Today I also want to declare something. I am officially messed up.

I got a messed up life and I dun want to mess up other. Maybe a week or so I will be done and ok ..Doing exercise regularly..almost everyday now to ensure my body fit fit..but now fat fat…haiz…going jogging later…but now very tired…going to ORH ORH(sleep)

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 2:10 AM

Blogger Got problem....Haven solve ah

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 1:01 AM

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ok the show just ended awhile ago. now i texting with jie..ELEPHANT call me dun sms her. now i quite daze...just finished up my 25 sit ups.

now texting is so cool...because jie using Chinese to text with me....wat the f***


Meeting an old friend this wednesday...erm not sure dress code. but i confirm look good in ways....:)

anyway.talentime is on the way...MICHAEL BUBLE ...everything..my dedications are made...if you are lucky you ay be the one but some confirmed so dun bother..:):) haah...one of them is jie, ahma, mrs tye.mrs ang.etc...............

Ok YAWNs..sleeping soon....nights.

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 8:43 AM

This morning wake up than found myself holding my phone..the whole night i was grabbing on to my phone..from last night......till morning. hehehs

Yesterday night before i slept, message Puay Li Jie to check if she is alright. She having gastric.

Ok this morning, after wake up, i played psp than go brush teeth, after brushing teeth used com till now...but before that i also did all those things like lunch, bath, message ELEPHANT. Than i browse facebook, deep some twittering. than see people blog. I dunno why today very hungry, but i ate nothing that had trans-fat..because i am watching my weight..i ate high fibre things...more cereals less milk...actually the cereals itself not too bad....when will lose weight and 2 mountains.haiz.

I also having headache recently. maybe lack of blood in the body. anyways dinner time..mummy bought lots of food from outside..so i had no choice but to break my self made curfew and ate the fod with fats T_T
i felt guilty

Than after eating play awhile psp than show harry potter, today showing azkaban ..3rd one.

now finish showing the 1st part..showing 2nd part now..

later than i blog finish, i go watch first.


Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 6:48 AM

Friday, July 17, 2009

Today was so bored, go school than saw gerald inside.Not first today :(


Ok this morning like treasure hunting, there is this slip of paper we are suppose to confirm our chinese name characters, however someone lose it when passing it around a few days back, so me and samantha did a thorough search and than found it under IKA table..must be darren haha...ACCUSATION.

Than we got it signed and passed to Mrs Ang after her period..good job well done samantha..we ought to celebrate.

Ok than our first period was english, i was not prepared for the Argumentative Test...Gosh than i open booked.haah

Ok than after english was the double science, we finshed magnetism chapter and than the chemistry we finish corrections for unit 3

RECESS...or yeah i quarreled with alina over a small matter..anyway it was her fault, i think she knows herself her best.and i think she should grow up.

OH yeah. after that was maths. we did COMPLETING THE SQUARE METHOD..i mastered it but not that good yet.

Than after math was assembly. did racial harmony. and i am the first one to finish the quiz so i got the chateh and the mentos. yay. than bao sheng bully me...i show him good next time...

Than i went home straight after school..i was having a headache and i had no MONEY.

ok than i reach home sleep till 5 than talk to Alison ...than got things straight with her ..we OK le..haha..friendship rocks..thought she slutty but i like talking to her...i mean i want to council her.

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 3:59 AM

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Just now during my oral . when i read my passage the indian lady examiner slept...I PISSED OFF.. than i finish my passage reading than she ask me where the thing is held....she nvr think before she say ah ....the passage already give answer...she purposely give vocal comprehension hah.....NVRMIND...after that i describe picture..this time the chinese one sleep...than i finish describing.. than she wake up ask me what i think abt the picture....ISNT IT LAME WHEN THE PICTURE WAS SET FROM YOU TO ME.....lame.

This is not all

Before the whole oral and just after i greeted the 2 UGLY's the Chinese scold me when i did not do anything wrong..she say i keep talking when i sat there and hear people conversation and just laugh a little bit, what is worse is that she so bias.she only aim me.the rest she nvr say..she hum ji see me good bully ah....I PISSED OFF AND F-OFFED...ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 9:24 AM

Hey guys...Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince RAWKS. should watch.

Anyway i just came back from the movie. erm i came home from school after receiving the phone call from my brother saying there is an xtra ticket. so i rush home having to cut off the conversation with Samantha halfway. So after that i reach home. i bath and everything and even took 10 minutes to style my hair....Long le ah .....so long lorh ....Grrr!!!

Than my brother say reach at around 6.15 but i reached at around 6.55, OBVIOUSLY i was late for the movie but who cares. i only missed the part where Olivander the Wand Maker got kidnapped. The movie was awesome but Albus had to die....AWWW!!

Ok dun say le or else you guys watch than know the body of the movie..and than ah . after we had the movie. my brother met with some friends from Polytechnic..but the friends had to leave for home. than my brother and i with some other friends went to Plaza Sin' the Cafe Cartel to have dinner supper. i had fish and chips...nice...

Ok after that i took cab home with brother and friends than just bath and blog..erm ...i got another post after this...it is dedicated to the idiotic examiners that slept during the N LEVEL ORAL EXAMINATION

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 9:17 AM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hey yesterday nvr blog...feel so weird, anyways abt yesterday what happen in class i wont blog la..i will blog abt after that. more fun and less long winded. Ok yesterday after school took 196 to central to take 78 to Puayli house to see hamster. than of cos with my favourite black black...ARCHANA...it was her birthday yesterday..but we did not stay long, we went home after around 30 minutes, because archana had to go home, than i had to take my nap, than i go home too. After reaching home sleep until nigh time than wake up for dinner than after which watch tv again until bedtime..than sleep AGAIN.

Today nth much, as usual first to reach class....so ghostly. thasn after that gerald came than came kenwei than came puayli than came chunghan and kumar.

Than lesson start as per normal...today time pass very slowly..i was wondering recently if all the earthquakes and windstorm and even failing plane lands are signs of human race going to be removed..I am talking about the book of revelations and the judgement day people predicted on the 2012. I was thinking will people find any clues on this coming eclipse about the end of the world and also the reasons why earth is form and wants to destroy it. we are not toys. anyway I am now texting in class...got oral later. so when i go home than continue bloggin...May judgement day not come.

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 9:40 PM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

This moring so quiet..like ghost town...ON BREAKFAST TABLE......wooooooooooo

OK first to reach class today....
saw marc this morning but never gave him the ride to school. i guess he is FUCKED UP RIGHT NOW..nevermind....neighbours friends and even school mates....He will understand, he is a big boy now. Ok than today passed very slowly, like no interest at all. i Only remember what happen today after achool..went threading and than makan..after which i follow Jie go x'Pect go cut fringe....Haha...we both say so weird..maybe wash wash ok le bah.....=.=

Than i brought dino down for her to see...call her go home than she beg me until she said this is the last time....as if she dying......TOUCH WOOD... than she so happy when she see him...than .of cos dino sniff here and there la....But weird....dino not eating dinner....poor darling......

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 7:21 AM

Monday, July 13, 2009

This morning start Rather......"Good"

lets see. this morning, i was suppose to expect a great quiet breakfast and ease at heart..but why is there always someone who is always there at the same time to make me so fed up and so pissed off with myself, some one who demoralise me of my character. I think that is not very fair and even my Jie have to be push down the water with me. i feel terrible that she have to answer for my wrongs...Sorry jie....It only happens once or twice but it had it coming. I want a new life, start and a New beginning everyday not a bad start....After this morning mishappening ...i am now having a bad headache...all i want now is a good sleep.
Well today at least got ahma and jie accompany me i did not feel that bad.....especially bubble wrap.:)

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 12:13 AM

Sunday, July 12, 2009



the image loader not working now... than i cannot load the pictures ....THE CAMWHORE pictures...hahas....so nice lorh the photo......CAMWHORE-ing RAWKS

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 6:30 AM


Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 6:22 AM

Today wake up fresh....NOT FROM THE FRIDGE...!!! Than receive sms from puayli jie than after ead than bullshit with my sis ...than did my homework before going out...later still ding. ok after than i used com to look for some things...songs mainly and than also about how to fix my stupid msn....than i met jie @ 3.15 @ Vivocity. We went to pet shop first..she buy things for Fei Fei..than i bought the milk candy for my darling Dino. than i saw a few dogs bloody cute lorh..I like the schnauzer..i want buy one for dino as a partner but than i saw a toy poodle..than i saw a toy poodle and also a Bernese mountain dog which is way bigger and is only 3 mths old.and bigger than Dino which is 7 yrs old. than i was thinking to buy one dog after Dino pass away..Bernese or poodle.:) than after buying things at Pet lovers centre. Jie went to deposit money than we went to eat....SUSHI @SUSHI TEI....it was way off my budget.. :( ....nvr brought enough cash... anyway i still manage to get away.... YAY ...than supposing suppose to get a cap for myself to shelter away from the shining sun...but i have decided that not till i grow BALD. than after which we went to cam whore outside vivo..the fountain there..but actually we cam whore way earlier than that...AT SUSHI TEI..It was her idea.PUAYLI..she say i more cam whore...well that is true....SO TRUE.....haha....than i see her off at the entrance of MRT.than i took 61 home to watch golden compass..before that in the bus Jie message me say the MRT got alot of black. than say the smell very excruciating. hehe....duh...they expire faster than us. than jie say something REXONA...i dun get it. Now i about to go do homework. but before this i am going to pack my bag for tomolo...i want N97

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 5:47 AM

Saturday, July 11, 2009


boy am i back to the greedy me, wanting the things i cant achieve.


This morning, i wake up than watch TV with my siblings lor, than there was not much bread left, so i just made some garlic bread. So pathetic right........

Than after eat finish i change my blogskin for the sake of changing and i forgo my lunch......aiyo but after that my maid still got cook porridge so i eat lor. but i think that is considered my teatime food. than now my parents just come back and than i now eating the chicken rice they buy, not too bad but still like the same post, i think my parents "RAWKS".

than after eating, i am now blogging.. but i doing homework later...haha...ARE YOU?

later maybe sleeping earlier..i very tired recently and than ah ...tomolo maybe going out with Puay Li Jie......you know why i say MAYBE....I HAVE NO MONEY LEFT...

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 4:56 AM

Sianz...i always think that i can get the things i want but today i finally know that the distance between me and the n97 is getting further. What i want is the phone, i want the phone because it is like an investment to me in my life, i mean not many people see some things as important as me. I just want to have one of my wishes fulfilled but i guess my father is not competing with those other father outside..i mean, why am i in the family of low hope, living with people with arrogant features, thinking that they are right and also why am i deserving this parents that i assume do not love me at all.....PARENTS "RAWKS"

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 4:51 AM

Friday, July 10, 2009

Yesterday, woke up at 8.45am to revise than had breakfast and chatted on the phone with AHMA.(samantha) abt maths of cos..---------

Yesterday was maths paper too in the afternoon..Gosh was it difficult an i screwed it.AHHHH

Ok nvm what done is done guess i would have to do is to do better for the second part of the paper.AHHHHHH

So yesterday after the paper, me and Jie went to EPIcentre@ wheelock to CHANGE IPOD...i got it replace woohoo after 1hr of negotiations and 30 mins of waiting time just to get my new touch which is as well as screwed up as before.NVM....!!

So after that we went to shaw house to eat MAC'donalds..the cashier was so hilarious i told her i want double cheeseburger meal ah than when she heard me say cheese burger she immediately said $2 ....lol...i was like " uh..i want the meal leh" than she laugh at herself...LAME!!

Ok than talk to jie alot of things, alot of topics, alot of kaypo things, alot of buay bah parts....HAHA mostly me DUH....

Than 7.05pm i left for home reach home raftly 8.15pm becos orchard area having traffic jam..yesterday Marriot Hotel got alot of lamborghini. SWEET!!
So yesterday when i boarded the bus i saw this group of girls that look super familiar. Of cos they knew me but i Short term Memory loss....they were actually my primary school friends that supported me when i needed them and when i was a coward to step up...Well thank you. nvr did i know you all still stick together "MACHIAM"(as if like) GLUE....haha..


When i took bus 7 i overshot by a stop and i had to walk home..4 blks away.....ahhhhhh, i was so saturated when i reach home..

come home unboxed my iPod and DAMN...it is GORGEOUS. i got the anti glare screen protector for 19 bucks. cheap already .

The whole night yesterday did nothing but Ipod iPod Ipod..all the way ....guess that i have to go study later on...Daddy And Mummy are already so worried for me...well WORK HARD ERNEST..

Ok than sleep........................till next morning...--->=D

p.s. Yesterday was boring and i dun stand a chance..i think i would give up an you honey

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 10:45 PM


Today Jie Nvr come scool than i sit by myself again...hoowoo.
Ok , today come school than take temperature in the morning than after that got Chinese lesson, dunno why now recently have chinese class, feel very plain and bored. After Chinese was P.E. than Gary Lim do the height and weight for some people than also do the napfa for some.thank god i dun take napfa....but i decided to go lose some WEIGHT....i think this is the post many people would want to see RIGHT!!!!!

oK...i need some people help...but dun volunteer.haiz...this is for some people who wants so much from me.

Ok than ah after that was recess, than i ate the chicken ....than ah.i go accompany my AH MA..haha...she so bored lor...than i sang some some song to her..than i told her abt some private stuff than sh got so shocked...oh yeah btw, during PE we aw this girl that look like a carbon copy of Ah Ma.

After recess was ENGLISH . Olivia went thru some Oral materials to ensure that we get prepared, but everyone was all over the place..haha...my class ROCKS.

After English was assembly. We did the topic on bullying. in school. than everyone say willy, arif, chung han...haha....LAME.....but i love the laughing...hehehehehehe. ok lor than after school suppose to go out with Puay Li Ji to go to Jurong point to get the present for mr chia than turn out never go because my Jie in pain than nvrmind dun wann go in the end than Before hand, grace ask me whether today want to go out with Fiona the Bf and Jeremy and Shaun and ika to lunch a west coast plaza, i declined them, i told them next time... i felt so bad because after i told puayli dun wann ...my Sister call and tell me to come come back home if nothing to do and also to get her lunch, so i did not care less so i declined her offer, but that made me so bad..i fee like people ask me go ....more like invite, but than i like treat it as nothing. but to them it is something...i Am really very sorry Grace... thanks for asking...Seriously next time ok. But i must see schedule. Ok reach home that time i bought lunch for my sis and also a 1.5 coke to put at home to stockpile. than after that i Receive my hot magazine from SPH. than i read ....than Nick Lachey beak with Vanessa minnilo....that's not good right.?
Ok la....jie blog say Fei Fei keep biting cage.....maybe not used to ...at least it is rust free....but bite the cage the staircase that links to the room....How is the hamster going to sleep......so silly ....hehehe..i want buying some accessories for my jie to put in cage.... than fei fei will be more fortunate...for now i gtg...i feeling nausea....H1N1....Oh gosh

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 12:53 AM

Thursday, July 9, 2009

She calls it Fei Fei. Haha, i am referring to PuayLi Jie...she buy hamster just now..

Erm..where to start, oh ok ya, i took taxi to central to meet her than whn i reach there she told me she got move to another clinic near KFC.
So i went to Big Book Shop. Than i buy stuff for the graduation booklet.
Than when i took the lift down and wanted to goto the clinic to look for Jie. Than i saw jane tan and grace going to bubble tea shop . than i decided to give the a surprise lorh than i went beside them without them knowing than i shocked them. ok than after that Ms Tan treat me Pao Pao Cha(Bubble Tea) Than i super happy..first time she treat.:):)
ok than after that she went to Big Book Shop with grace than i went to the clinic beside KFC. Than finally the Girl Cmae down..Than we 2 went to McDonalds to Eat. But She Did not want to eat at McDonalds Than we went to KFC which is suppose to be very packed wth people But we managed to get a seats. Than we talked some shi and chat some crap!!! than laugh north and south lorh...hahah so cynical... after that we go to Pet Shop were she got her "Fei Fei" Hamster. So cute. After That, she decided to buy not caring abt the price because she nid a "PARTNER" than she buy lor...haha the hamster really very robust and chubby......lolz.
Than after that i see he to the cab because she was also at the same time in pain. Than when the cab came. she went home first. Than i waited for another cab . After reach home i bath lor. than in the toilet i was so tired i slept....=.=
than now i am here blogging my way thru the slow internet...hopefully this post is seen by YOU

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 4:11 AM

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Now in lab waiting for the bell to ring....Yay! i finally finish my coursework.can slack for fnn already.

But now i concentrating on my ths and science...erm more on chemistry recently..i bought 2 assessment books...i cheong-ing my 10 yrs series. haha. so funn.

Than this moring had chinese lor, the the lao zhou call us write compo again...letter writing actually. than dunno why i suddenly headache. i felt so dizzy...almost fell of chair..than after Chinese was geog, urm, today miss tan nvr go thru much, she only go thru the climograph and the workbook..than earn quite somethings, i must pass HUMANITIES. Ok after which was recess, than i ate with AH MA..she lost her voice, she so poor thing...i can believe i used to love her. but now i treat her as my relative. Now i also got Puay Li jie....she is the other nearest person to me. I got thing i must say, i will tell them.

Ok than after recess, i had maths, did scales.ok boring but i still must do homework.

Now leh i am having my last 3 lessons , FNN lor...nth to do so blog here and there. later still need to rush to blog on class blog. ok now i just twitter on mariah careys webpage..she so sad la..cry over MJ.. ok la..it is really sad having to sing infront of the coffin......God Bless MJ.

Later i will be going to the polyclinic with ARCHANA to accompany puay Li Jie, she got stomach pain, than raining blood. haha...so cynical.

OH YES. today when i was at the toilet looking at my hair, than John Lim walk in than ask me what i doing than i told him i not feeling well, Well was trying not to be vain in front of the DM. Than i just sneeze than he accused me of H1N1....what a cynical joke. ok la...going back to dashboard to blog now..on the class blog

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 9:57 PM

Monday, July 6, 2009

Which one is nicer?

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 2:59 AM

Just viewed eBay. saw this lighter very nice. people design one but what for ...after all Ros buying me one right:) Yays.

Ok than continue seeing the time saw this guy selling his darth vader 1.70m set..2980 dollars leh...CHEAP LORH..

Than quit eBay because the more you view more ridiculous. Got sell underwear also lorh.

Ok than after which i went to Diesel the shop look at watch ..and i also looking for the sunglasses Wilber Pan Wore in the video Be With You Feat. Akon....so nice la..but dunno which brand . I found one almost the same one from Burberry. Next would be the ipod touch 3g ...dunno when coming out..anyway i will be getting it :) ...And today i also downloaded alot of song..i download wilber Pan the new album..so nice lorh all the songs..haha...and also some other English songs..

Today leh ..actually suppose to go out with my best friend which i have waited for her to accepted me for 4 year. Till now she still single and she still wants to stay like that..she call me to give up because she want to stay baccalaureate. but i insist bah..haha..than suppose to watch movie but she going out to sing with her bff's than never go lor. I wont force but i always hint her :)


Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 2:51 AM

Haiz.. I feel so useless recently....H1N1 come and stay...than everyone stay home.

Now.i sit i front of come . read puayli Jie blog..read Grace blog.. make me some heart ache..hope that they have the chance to turn everything back and start afresh ..but life isn't fair right.
We all have difficult times. We all want chances. But some take for granted, some take and appreciate. Which are the ones...who really need it.

Ar0und tHe w0rLd @* 2:48 AM